Back in Mac

We moved most of our household yesterday from our studio apartment in Bellingham to our ‘cottage’ (shack?) in McMinnville. Our good friend Jonny helped, which made it all go much faster (with more hilarity — Thanks Jonny for lightening our load!).

Tomorrow we begin constructing the Haygrove tunnel. This is a bit of a tense moment, simply because we’re unsure of so much about this project. But I imagine — like everything else so far — that it will have its share of rough moments but work out better than we expected. That seems to be the path so far: we’ll reach a point where it seems like nothing will work and we just want to give up, and then the next day/hour/minute will clarify things in a way we never imagined. I suppose it’s like that song (sorry to quote classic rock on our blog, but it’s been stuck in my head, oh, for the last two years of my life): “You can’t always get what you want (but if you try, sometimes, you might find you get what you need).”

Anyhow, we’ll update again with more pictures in a few days. Hopefully we’ll have a warm covered space as well as some seeds sown into trays! We visited Cedarville (the farm where we trained) this week and were a little disturbed to see Mike’s greenhouse full of lush green baby plants. Panic!!!!! No, we’re fine. The soil is so different down here that we won’t be able to get on the ground as soon anyway.

Talk to you soon!

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3 Responses to Back in Mac

  1. Kris says:

    Steve and I have come to call much of what we have gotten accomplished over the last five years at our Greenbank home …. Whidbey Magic. I think you may be experiencing Mac magic:) I think the magic is a result of looking at every thing in life as a gift. Let the good times roll and the gifts keep coming.


  2. Hurray for you all! I’m glad to see you guys are farming and young too. I found you through Blue Fox’s blog. We live down in southern Oregon (my husband is working with Blue Fox this season) and we hope to buy a farm here soon. Are you all leasing the land or did you buy a place? I look forward to reading more. I swear I have seen you all before. Perhaps an Oregon Tilth conference or something like that. Have fun farming!

  3. Oakhill says:

    In response to Melissa — We’re leasing land this year. We too hope to buy land soon, but for now it is good to be doing it on our own with lower stakes. There are moments when we think all will fail (temporary moments), and we’re relieved to not have a mortgage to boot! We were at last fall’s Oregon Tilth conference as well as the direct marketing conference at OSU this winter. Perhaps we met or crossed paths there?


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