so much depends
uponan orange wheel
barrowtipped on its
sidebeside the cover
crop.~ Katie Kulla (a la William Carlos Williams)
In brief farm news, this week we took a break from spring farm work and campaign work to get away for two nights of cabin camping. It was a much needed step away from things and very restorative!
Looking ahead, the next CSA payment is coming up at the end of this month. I am emailing out statements later this week.
Have you signed up for the second half of the season yet, beginning in June? Check in with me if you are unsure.
Also, a reminder that beginning in June we will be shortening the CSA pick-up window back to our original window of 3:30-6:30! Thanks for your understanding, and please check in with us if the shift poses challenges for you.
The sun is shining and everything is growing rapidly on the farm! Hoorah! Enjoy this week’s vegetables!
Your farmers, Katie & Casey Kulla
~ ~ ~
Meet this week’s vegetables:
- Strawberries — Woo hoo! The Hoods are here! Because these are the very first of the strawberries, they will be LIMITED this week!
- Sugar snap peas
- Fava beans
- Kohlrabi
- Napa cabbage
- Butternut & Marina di Chioggia winter squash
- Torpedo onions — These are some of our favorite onions ever. They are sweet enough to eat raw but have enough flavor that they are delicious when cooked too.
- Green garlic
- Garlic scapes
where did you vacation? I am always looking for fun cabin escapes!
L.L. Stubs Stewart state park!